Vocabulary Resources
to Enhance
Your Word Skills:

Word information about global English vocabulary from Latin-Greek elements with word links is for all nations, not just the USA and the UK.

English is a universal language for all the people of this world,
not just for those who live in the USA and in Great Britain.

Word Info for individual word searches is a rich source of English words derived from Latin and Greek elements.

Dictionary Directory for browsing the available thematic units of English words derived from Latin-Greek prefixes, roots, and suffixes.

Blog: “Did you see or hear this?” and Blog: “Deviant Definitions” full of information about words, language, and other significant information to enlighten and to entertain.

Word Info: English words-for better communication and sources to English derived words from Latin and Greek sources.

Word Quests: This domain has an extensive collection of vocabulary-reference sources [bibliographies] that are used in the various related Websites about English-derived words.

Word Focus: A Website that has several vocabulary-related links on its “Table of Contents” page that are part of the Focusing on Words family; as well as, the two special links below.

The Blind Men and the Elephant poem.

An explanation of the “professional-hieroglyphic symbol” of the scribe.

Word Explorations: Here you will find a large selection of word links to significant vocabulary information and activities.

Resources Directory: An index of vocabulary links at the Word Explorations domain.

Latin-Greek Cross References: Unabridged English-word data searches of words as seen in the thematic units derived from Latin and Greek sources

Free newsletter: A free Focusing on Words Newsletter containing English-vocabulary information.

Quizzes: Several self-scoring quizzes based on Latin and Greek elements with images.

Self-Published Book: Robertson’s Words for a Modern Age, A Cross Reference of Latin and Greek Combining Elements.

Story Translation: Iktho Story, a Mixture of Latin-Greek Elements to be Translated into English.

Self-Scoring Quiz: Multiple-Answer Diagnostic Quiz #1

Self-Scoring Quiz: Multiple-Answer Diagnostic Quiz #2

Self-Scoring Quiz: Multiple-Answer Diagnostic Quiz #3

Self-Scoring Quiz: Multiple-Answer Diagnostic Quiz #4

Self-Scoring Quiz: Multiple-Answer Diagnostic Quiz #5

Self-Scoring Quiz: Antonym-Synonym Quiz #1, Sensory Words or Words of Feeling

Self-Scoring Quiz: Antonym-Synonym Quiz #2, Sensory Words or Words of Feeling

Self-Scoring Quiz: Antonym-Synonym Quiz #3, Sensory Words or Words of Feeling

Lexfiles: Latin-Greek quotations data searches; including mottoes, proverbs, phrases, and words

Lexfiles, Latin List 1: Basic Latin Elements List, A-J

Lexfiles, Latin List 2: Basic Latin Elements List, L-V

Lexfiles, Greek List 1: Basic Greek Elements List, A-L

Lexfiles, Greek List 2: Basic Greek Elements List, M-Z

Lexfiles, Basic List: Fourteen Basic Prefixes and Roots used in English Vocabulary

Word Files: Illustrated English words from Latin and Greek elements

Word Units with Definitions: Cross References a-az, words from Latin and Greek units

Word Units with Definitions: Cross References ba-by, words from Latin and Greek units

Word Units with Definitions: Cross References ca-cy, words from Latin and Greek units

Word Units with Definitions: Cross References da-fy, words from Latin and Greek units

Word Units with Definitions: Cross References ga-iz, words from Latin and Greek units

Word Units with Definitions: Cross References ja-my, words from Latin and Greek units

Word Units with Definitions: Cross References na-oz, words from Latin and Greek units

Word Units with Definitions: Cross References pa-py, words from Latin and Greek units

Word Units with Definitions: Cross References qu-sy, words from Latin and Greek units

Word Units with Definitions: Cross References ta-ux, words from Latin and Greek units

Word Units with Definitions: Cross References va-zy, words from Latin and Greek units

Word Sources: English words used in our modern age with historical origins and current applications.

Word Sources: Anesthesia, feeling no pain.

Word Sources: The arena, a bloody mess from Roman times to a rather bloodless competition in our modern times.

Word Sources: Biometrics, important security-screening procedures.

Word Sources: Capnomania/Fumimania, more newly coined words with centuries of fears and hatreds.

Word Sources: Capnophobia/Fumiphobia, more newly coined words with centuries of fears and hatreds.

Word Sources: A history of dictionaries and their varied applications in our modern age.

Word Sources: A presentation of dinosaurs and a few of their characteristics.

Word Sources: Bad days from the past to the present.

Word Sources: Filibuster, from pirates to politicians (is there really a difference?)

Word Sources: Kleptomania, to steal or not to steal; do the crime and pay the time.

Word Sources: Malaria, was it “bad air”, as the Romans thought, or something in the air.

Word Sources: Mosquitoes, their eating habits and techniques.

Word Sources: The planets, their myths and scientific explanations.

Word Sources: Multiple marriages, isn’t one at a time enough?

Word Sources: Robots: history, practical applications, and fun time.

Word Sources: The sandwich, then and now.

Word Sources: Latin-Greek Cross References with “completed” word units.

Word Sources: Sesquipedalians, more than a mouth full of words.

Word Sources: Tribology, reactions to frictions; now, that is the rub.

Best Clips: A Gathering of clippings from several media sources.

Get Words: Basic Latin-Greek lists for learning English words, and etymologies

Get Words, Latin List 1: Basic Latin Elements List, A-J

Get Words, Latin List 2: Basic Latin Elements List, L-V

Get Words, Greek List 1: Basic Greek Elements List, A-L

Get Words, Greek List 2: Basic Greek Elements List, M-Z

Get Words, Basic List: Fourteen Basic Prefixes and Roots used in English Vocabulary

Words 24/7: Links to important English-vocabulary resources.